Govt to issue 4,000 MWh tenders for battery storage: R K Singh

Govt to issue 4,000 MWh tenders for battery storage: R K Singh

According to the Minister of Power, discoms or the industry can store their energy during midday or in the windy season and use it during peak hours.

Power Minister R K Singh said on Thursday that the government would launch a tender process for sourcing 4000 MWh battery storage.

In a speech at the CII Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Conference on Self Reliance in Renewable Energy Manufacturing, Singh said that work is being done on energy storage.

The plan is to bid for 4,000 MWh of storage as an ancillary service so that every RLDC (regional load dispatch centre) would have 1000 MWh storage (each), ready for instant intervention whenever fluctuation in renewables changes to an extreme level, he added further.

He mentioned that a part of it will be used as ancillary equipment for the grid controller and part will be used by developers on a commercial basis.

During midday or when the wind is heavy, discoms or industry will be able to store energy in the storage systems and draw from it during peak hours, he added further.

“We will be adding more storage. We already have a PLI scheme. We want that capacity to be based on manufacturing in India. We do not want to export jobs to China or any other country,” he said

The PLI mechanism being announced resulted in a large number of expressions of interest in producing modules, cells, and polysilicon. 

A partnership between Coal India and one firm is already in place in polysilicon. Reliance (Industries) is another example. There are other companies planning to establish their own factories, he pointed.

He also mentioned that some of the tenders will be dedicated to cutting-edge technologies.

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