Wind players seek extension on project completion cut-off time

Wind players seek extension on project completion cut-off time

Wind energy organizations have asked for at least 24 months extension on the cut-off time for project completion during a meeting in June with the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE.

Wind energy organizations in India are tragically way behind their project completion timelines. The wind companies have put forward a request for a blanket extension for all under construction as well as future projects completion timelines.

The wind energy organizations have pointed out that the current 18-month time period is an unviable timeframe for project completion.

The request for an extension was put forth during a meeting held between renewable energy organizations and the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) in June 2021.

The wind power companies have mentioned to the ministry that the cut-off time for project implementation should be something like two years (24 months). They pointed out that the current 18-month time period is unviable.

In the recent past, the ministry has given numerous extensions dependent upon the situation for projects because of Covid-initiated delays, the vast majority of these cut-off times will end in the coming months.

There are currently many leading developers of wind power in India whose projects are stuck in the pipeline or facing delays.

It is to be noted here that these projects had been lagging behind even before the pandemic disruption began affecting the work in March last year.

Wind developers highlighted the challenges of impractical tariffs and land acquisition issues that are being the fundamental reason that is hitting the feasibility of the projects, particularly when the work needs to be completed in a year and a half.

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