Power discoms electricity purchase conditions relaxed by the DERC

Due to the ongoing power crisis, DERC has taken several measures in order to ensure a 24X7 power supply to the consumers in Delhi .
Due to increased prices of power, the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) has relaxed power purchasin order to assure them of a 24X7 power supplye conditions for distribution companies.
The DERC has also requested the Centre to intervene urgently and ensure adequate fuel supply to generation plants in order to prevent any outages in Delhi.
A DERC statement said it has taken several measures to ensure an uninterrupted power supply to consumers in Delhi due to the ongoing power crisis.
In its statement, DERC also noted that the current coal and gas shortage has resulted in the non-availability of power 24×7 in Delhi, as well as extraordinarily high electricity prices at power exchanges.
The issue was addressed with immediate effect with the discoms NDMC, BRPL, BYPL, and TPDDL in order to assure them of a 24X7 power supply to Delhi’s consumers, the statement added further.
As long as the crisis is averted, the discoms will not be fined for violations of grid norms and will not undergo any scrutiny of power purchases above INR 5 per unit, according to media agency sources.
To help the discoms cope with the crisis, the Delhi government allowed them to buy power in exchange at a high rate of INR 20 per unit. In normal circumstances, the DERC scrutinizes all purchases made by discoms over INR 5 per unit.
According to the DERC, Delhi’s power regulator ordered gas turbine power stations to declare their ability to run on any alternative fuel, adding an additional 270 MW of power so as to fulfill the existing demand-supply gap.
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