Draft for National Hydrogen Mission expected in two months: MNRE

Draft for National Hydrogen Mission expected in two months: MNRE

MNRE is working on the National Hydrogen Energy Mission that proposes the generation of hydrogen from green power sources, the draft is expected in the next two months…

India with a long term vision towards reducing its dependence on rare earth minerals/elements based energy storage is looking forward to technological development for hydrogen from green energy sources. Thus for the National Hydrogen Energy Mission, an allocation of INR 1500 crore has been made in the union budget of 2021.

Though, the Union Minister for Finance Nirmala Sitharaman during her budget speech had announced that the Hydrogen Energy Mission will be launched in 2021-22, however she did not specify the details for the same.

Recently, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has informed on Tuesday that the work on the National Hydrogen Mission is going on and a draft is expected to be ready in the next two months.

In this regard, recently Indu Shekhar Chaturvedi, Secretary MNRE, stated that the mission will have details of all aspects of hydrogen technology including storage, R&D, and pilot projects.

Emphasising on the benefits of hydrogen as a source of power, Chaturvedi stated that it is beneficial in the storage of renewable energy and the transport of renewable energy, and can help in overcoming the problem of interdependency faced by renewable energy. He also pointed out to its benefit in long-haul transportation, where battery-storage falls short.

The two sectors that are going to benefit most from the development of hydrogen technologies are the steel and fertilizer sectors, stated P C Maithani, advisor MNRE.

Maithani further stated that it is a complete ecosystem on which India wants to operate for the short and medium-term and ultimately for the long term, keeping hydrogen mainstream in the national economy.

Though across the world, Hydrogen energy technologies are still striving to become commercially viable, but as its usage would lead to zero emissions – this is seen as the next big thing India now making an announcement in its Budget on February 1, has officially joined the race.

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